
Educational Institutions calculator

* List prices do not include taxes.
* The minimum initial purchase order quantity for new educational institution customers is 6 licenses.
* The V-Ray Education license is the ultimate toolset for 3D rendering and fluid simulation classes. It includes access to a suite of Chaos software: V-Ray® for 3ds Max, V-Ray for Maya, V-Ray for SketchUp, V-Ray for Rhino, V-Ray for Revit, V-Ray for Unreal, V-Ray for Houdini, V-Ray for Nuke, V-Ray for Cinema 4D, Chaos® Phoenix for 3ds Max and Maya, the Chaos Scans library & plugin, Chaos Vantage, and Chaos Player. Not included: Additional render and simulation nodes, Chaos Cloud.
* To apply for educational pricing, academic institutions need to provide information about the institution’s academic status and accreditation.
* Chaos’ Educational products are meant for educational purposes only and are not to be used for any commercial (for-profit) work.

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