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EVE Images © GSP Städtebau
EVE Images © GSP Städtebau

Welcome to Chaos Cloud Rendering.

Chaos Cloud Rendering allows you to submit and render V-Ray scenes in the cloud. It will take care of installing and maintaining everything necessary to run V-Ray online and is available for all compatible 3D platforms. 

To start rendering with Chaos Cloud Rendering, follow the steps below.

Step 1. Get the Chaos Cloud Client app

To start rendering in the cloud, it's essential that you install the Chaos Cloud Client App.  You'll need to login with your Chaos account. We support Windows, Mac and Linux platforms.

Download Client app
Get the Chaos Cloud client app to start rendering.

Step 2. Get Chaos Cloud credits

20 free Chaos Cloud credits are available to test the service. If you haven't used them yet, you can head to the trial page and request them. Once your trial allowance is exhausted, you can purchase more credits from our online store or via one of our reseller partners.


If you need more information on Chaos Cloud, here are some helpful links:

Chaos Cloud home page

Chaos Cloud documentation

Chaos Cloud portal


For technical assistance, contact our support team.

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