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Chaos Group Unveils New GPU Rendering Architecture at GTC 2018

Advances in V-Ray to Double the Speed of GPU Production Rendering

LOS ANGELES, Calif. – March 22, 2018 – At the GPU Technology Conference (GTC) 2018, Chaos Group will debut its fast new V-Ray GPU rendering architecture, effectively doubling the speed of production rendering for film, broadcast and design artists. The new architecture is a redesign of V-Ray’s kernel structure, ensuring a dual-blend of high-performance speed and accuracy. Chaos Group’s lead GPU developers will run through all of the new features, as part of a special session at GTC on March 28 in room 230B of the San Jose Convention Center.

The improvements are so significant that V-Ray RT has been renamed V-Ray GPU, establishing the latter as a professional production renderer, now capable of supporting volumetrics, advanced shading and other smart tech coming to V-Ray Next. Current tests have V-Ray GPU running 80 percent faster on the NVIDIA’s TITAN V, a remarkable gain from previous benchmarks on the TITAN Xp, and up to 10-15x faster than an Intel Core i7-7700K, with the same high level of accuracy across interactive and production renders.

“V-Ray GPU might be the biggest speed leap we’ve ever made,” said Blagovest Taskov, V-Ray GPU lead developer at Chaos Group. “Redesigning V-Ray GPU to be modular makes it much easier for us to exploit the latest GPU architectures and to add functionality without impacting performance. With our greatly expanded feature set, V-Ray GPU can be used in many more production scenarios, from big-budget films to data-heavy architecture projects, while providing more speed than ever before.”

Representing over two years of dedicated R&D, V-Ray GPU builds on nine years of GPU-driven development in V-Ray. New gains for production artists include:

●     Volume Rendering – Fog, smoke and fire can be rendered with the speed of V-Ray GPU. Compatible with V-Ray Volume Grid which supports OpenVDB, Field3D and Phoenix FD volume caches.

●     Adaptive Dome Light – Cleaner image-based lighting is now faster and even more accurate.

●     V-Ray Denoising – GPU-accelerated denoising across render elements and animations.

●     NVIDIA AI Denoiser – Fast, real-time denoising based on NVIDIA OptiX AI-accelerated denoising technology.

●     Interface Support – Instant filtering of GPU-supported features always lets artists know what’s available in V-Ray GPU (starting within 3ds Max).

As part of the GTC announcement, Chaos Group developers will be participating in a series of talks to discuss the future of GPU rendering and interactive and production rendering with V-Ray GPU. Both talks will be held on March 28, in room 230B, with the former beginning at 9:00 a.m. and the latter starting at 11:00 a.m.

V-Ray GPU will be made available as part of the next update of V-Ray Next for 3ds Max beta – coming soon.

About Chaos Group
Chaos Group is a worldwide leader in computer graphics technology, helping artists and designers create photorealistic imagery and animation for architecture, design, and visual effects. Chaos Group’s award-winning physically-based rendering and simulation software is used daily by top design studios, architectural firms, advertising agencies, and visual effects companies around the globe. Today, the company's research and development in cloud rendering, material scanning, and virtual reality is shaping the future of creative storytelling and digital design. Founded in 1997, Chaos Group is privately owned with offices in Sofia, Los Angeles, Seoul, and Tokyo. For more information, visit:

Originally published: March 22, 2018.
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