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Chaos Corona 10 released

Corona 10 is out now, with a focus on streamlining your workflow and helping you be driven by your creativity.

A new version of Corona is now available. Click here to learn more.

What's new in Corona 10: Quick facts

  • Easily add cracks, dirt, stickers, etching, embossing, and more thanks to individual control over the material channels (Diffuse, Displacement, Metalness, etc.) affected by a Corona Decal.
  • Fly cameras through smoke and clouds, or have them half-submerged in water with accurate rendering from Cameras inside volumetric materials such as those from Phoenix simulations.
  • Brighter, more accurate Caustics when rendering to large resolutions.
  • Greatly improved quality of blurred highlights when using Depth of Field.
  • Easily find and adjust scatters, lights, proxies, displacement, and cameras using the new Listers.

Download the latest version of Corona

Trial Refresh: All users, even on trial, get a full 30-day trial to refresh to try out both the new features and the new products added to the subscription. Download and install Corona 10 from the link above, and enjoy trying all the new features.

Corona 10 core features

All these features apply to Corona for 3ds Max and Cinema 4D, so we’ll only talk about them once, and demo images may be from either host software. In case you are not familiar with both 3ds Max and Cinema 4D, be aware that what 3ds Max calls “Maps”, Cinema 4D calls “Shaders” 🙂.

Corona Decal “by channel”


The Corona Decal takes on a whole new life in your scenes, with the ability to have a Decal affect only particular channels in the material.

For example, you can now add a crack onto a brick wall, which you can easily move around and position, without disrupting the color and other parameters of the bricks and mortar. Or, as in the example below, add footprints using displacement that maintain the original texture for the ground.


Additionally, you can choose whether the Bump and Displacement channels in a Decal material either overwrite or combine with those channels in the base material.

Note that both the Decal and the base object must be using a Corona Physical Material for all these options to be available. Displacement, bump, opacity, and emission should work with any material, however.


Cameras inside volumes


Freely place a Corona Camera anywhere in your scene, including inside volumes such as a Volume material, Phoenix simulations, or VolumeGrids for OpenVDB objects.

Now your cameras can fly through clouds and fog, rise and surface from below to above water, pass through fire, and more.

Before Corona 10, you had to carefully place your camera to avoid intersecting a volume, or create a Slicer around the camera to “cut out” a hole in the volume. Now all that is a thing of the past and you can place your camera wherever gives you the best shot, or make that animation just as you wanted.

The Camera can also be given physical dimensions, useful when it is half-in and half-out of a volume, for example when half the image is underwater and half above the water.  



Improved DOF blurring of highlights  


Enabling the new DOF Highlight Solver will greatly improve the look of the blurring of any highlights (both reflections, and directly-viewed lights). This new solver will work as expected with custom aperture shapes etc. so that you can achieve exactly the results you want.

Note: regular DOF blurring is unaffected by this setting, and it is listed as “Experimental” at the moment as there may be some niche situations where it does not work as intended.  

Better handling of your scenes with the new Listers

The Corona Lister now lets you view and adjust all the Lights (Lights, Light Materials, and Suns), Proxies, Displacement materials, and Cameras, in your scene (and in 3ds Max, also Displacement modifiers). In 3ds Max, the separate Scatter Lister has also been totally reworked, while in Cinema 4D the Scatter Lister has been added into the main Lister. This makes it much easier for you to find and adjust all these elements in your scene.  

Brighter, more accurate Caustics


When rendering to large resolutions (4K or larger), Corona’s Caustics will now render brighter, and be more accurate and detailed.  

Clouds affected by Sun Direct Color

If you choose to use the Direct Color for your Corona Sun, this will now affect the Procedural Clouds in the Corona Sky. For example, use a darker blueish color for a moonlight look, as shown below: 


From this…. 


 …to this (with some additional small tone mapping tweaks)

Or have a strong red for the Sun without it having to be low to the horizon – or choose more unusual colors such as green or purple for other-worldly looks, if that’s your thing!   

Additional Corona 10 features

Apply the same Triplanar, Color Correction, or Mapping Randomizer to multiple maps (3ds Max).

The Triplanar, Color Correction and Mapping Randomizer maps all now come with optional multiple inputs and outputs. Now you can apply the same settings to all the channels of one material from one place, rather than having to adjust three Triplanar nodes, or having to take the time to set up control nodes to control all the settings from one place.  

Scatter onto Scatters (Cinema 4D)


Chaos Scatter can now distribute instances over another scatter, such as scattering water droplets onto the scatters of cans as seen above. Since you are multiplying the number of instances of the second scatter by the instances in the first, do use caution! Otherwise memory requirements may become too high e.g. if you scatter 100,000 leaves onto 100,000 trees, then you end up with ten thousand million leaves!  

Smaller improvements in Corona 10

  • Automatically create LightMix from layers. 
    • An additional option is available when automatically generating a LightMix setup, which lets you have one LightSelect for each layer in the scene.
  • Added support for 3Ds Max Compound Node. 
    • This was introduced in 3ds Max 2024, and Corona 10 fully supports its use.
  • UvwRandomizer renamed to MappingRandomizer and now supports randomization of position, and extended to allow randomization of shaders in object/world space(Map/Tex).
  • RoundedEdges texmap now has the legacy button always visible.
  • Improved performance when rendering with masks: 
    • In cases where the user includes just a small object and the rest of the scene is not rendered we get up to 600% speedup. In nonextreme cases, it leads to around a 10% speedup.
  • Improved handling of anisotropy around UVW discontinuities / Improved handling of anisotropy near Z direction on some objects (e.g. rounded cube).
  • Added support for 3ds Max 2024 (also backported to Corona 9 HF3).
  • Enabled out of core textures by default, saves from 5 to 70% of memory required by textures (previously disabled by default).
  • Improved performance of CoronaAO in some rare cases.
  • The user can now set how volumes (volume material, sky volume effect and volume grid) interact with the alpha channel. Also, semi-transparent volumetric effects now also contribute to the alpha channel for rays that don’t hit anything.
  • Added support for Pattern (EnMesh) assets from Chaos Cosmos.
  • Updated Optix denoiser implementation from version 6.5.0 to version 7.5.0. 
    • Driver version R515 or later is required. 
    • Supports the same GPUs as 6.5.0.
  • Improved the Corona Decal “Visible in masks” tooltip.
  • Improved the speed of loading EXR/CXR files in Corona Image Editor by about 50%.
  • CIE – Added Tone Mapping error reporting when loading an image.
  • Image copied from Corona VFB now has 72 pixels/inch resolution when opened in Photoshop.
  • Updated Chaos Cosmos to the latest version.

Other smaller improvements (3ds Max)

  • Significantly speeding up material editor by caching rendered previews. Full material editor is up to 22 times faster.
  • Decal Fit to Bitmap’s aspect ratio function now takes into account also cropping present in bitmap (both Corona’s and 3dsMax’s bitmap).
  • CoronaGUI license is released when another renderer is selected.
  • Improved AcesOtOperator unmapping in case alpha is 1.0 (this fixes the issue that the CoronaTonemapControl did not negate the effects of the AcesOT operator).
  • From now on visibility parameter in Object Properties also affects a material’s volumetric properties: 
    • Object visibility should now work for VolumeGrid, FumeFx and both Phoenix volume and foam.
  • Re-added support for FumeFX:
    • CoronaFumeFxMod must be applied to the FumeFx object.
    • Supports FumeFx 6 beta 13+.
    • Disabled FumeFX atmospheric effect, since Corona can now shade FumeFX objects by itself.
  • Added button to batch load maps in the multiple environments dialog, which works similarly to the one in Multimap.
  • Unified the Nitrous implementation of drawing a CoronaLight in the viewport across 3ds Max versions, which now results in more consistent viewport performance across all 3ds Max versions.
  • Changed CoronaMix input name from “Bottom” to “Base” to be consistent with the UI.
  • Added ColorCorrectMap display in high-quality viewport.
  • Added Include / Exclude toggle in the right mouse button menu for Exclude lists.
  • Added tonemap control viewport shader.
  • AO map: improved wording for include/exclude options.
  • Clicking on LightMix setup and Lister toolbar icons without Corona being the active render engine shows a prompt asking you to switch to Chaos Corona.
  • Added a warning to the LightMixSetup dialog when a Light select element contains invalid filename characters; those characters are replaced with ‘_’. 
  • Improved warning messages when using physical camera exposure control.
  • Added tooltips for “+, Reset, Preset” buttons in Tone Mapping.
  • Added tooltip for IR subsampling.
  • Added a button to Corona toolbar that leads to Corona for 3ds Max help page.
  • Replaced WxWidgets dialog for “Channel color mapping” (in VolumeGrid and FumeFxMod) with Qt implementation.
  • Corona now shows information about loading Corona assets (bitmaps, proxies, etc.) in the 3ds Max loading progress bar. (Max 2023+).
  • Renamed PhoenixFD to Phoenix in error messages.
  • Improved “alpha mode” tooltips.

ForestPack and RailClone (3ds Max)

  • Added support for animation modes (ForestPack Pro).
  • The instances are now assigned a more meaningful wire color (ForestPack).
  • Added support for rendering of non-geometric objects (i.e. Lights) (RailClone).

Node Material Editor (Cinema 4D)

  • The Corona Node Material Editor now allows zoom via “Alt + RMB”.
  • It’s now possible to create a Shader directly on an existing connection (e.g. adding a Filter between a Bitmap and a material) by right-clicking the existing connection.
  • Fixed Undo creation when hiding nodes in the Material Node system.
  • Fixed issue where reassigning the same shader into the same slot in the Material Node system could cause problems when IR was running.
  • Fixed occasional crash when reconnecting a node over an existing connection of the same shader if it was the only remaining shader connection.
  • Fixed problem when some removed nodes would still appear in the editor (usually with black preview and could not be edited).

Corona Light improvements (Cinema 4D)

  • Merged Type and Shape parameters into single parameter.
  • Light geometry now also generates UVWs.
  • It is now possible to assign a material (e.g. Corona Light) to a light to set its texture.
  • Added support for caps in cylindrical light.
  • Added option to use shader directly in Corona light.

Other smaller improvements (Cinema 4D)

  • Improved help system integration with Cinema 4D “Show help” command:
    • “Show help” now works for almost all Corona objects.
    • Opens new documentation on , including some that previously said “documentation does not exist”.
  • Corona Proxy can now be scaled with scale tool in Model mode.
  • Added support for deformation motion blur.
  • Only deformation keeping number of polygons/points is currently supported (e.g. PLA, simple modifiers like Bend etc.).
  • Quality of non-linear MB can be adjusted in render settings by changing “Geometry segments” (setting zero will fully disable deformation MB).
  • Added tag for per-object Displacement overrides.
  • Added support for Velocity pass in Multi-pass.
  • Corona Distance shader now supports distance from multi instances and Chaos Scatter.
  • Added Surface Color shader for Chaos Scatter.
  • Bounding box of models in Chaos Scatter no longer takes into account the position of a modifier object.
  • Chaos Scatter on both Windows and macOS is now installed as separate plugin with its own uninstaller.
  • Slightly changed Chaos Scatter object icon.
  • Chaos Scatter now has its own About dialog.
  • Render resolution can now be changed in IR (Resolution is automatically adjusted for both IR in viewport and IR in Corona VFB).
  • Custom aperture shape can now be rotated.
  • Added option to automatically convert a legacy Corona Sky tag into a Corona Sky object.
  • Added UI widget for managing VDB paths in Corona Volume Grid.
  • Add Reflection/Refraction Background Override to materials.
  • Added configurable low and high threshold to Albedo pass in multi-pass.
  • Changing active preset in Physical material now preserves original mix strength.
  • Curves in Tone Mapping can now be edited directly in the Corona VFB without opening an additional dialog.
  • Changed the way objects are identified in various shaders (Multi Shader, Mapping Randomizer), ID pass, when evaluating Motion Blur and more.
  • There are currently still some cases where e.g. the color of objects in the ID pass changes between renders, but the new algorithm should help resolve these issues in following daily builds.
  • Max distance value in the Corona AO shader is now multiplied by the specified texture if texture is added.
  • Corona preferences moved under Renderer section in Cinema 4D preferences.
  • IR subsampling setting moved from devel/experimental settings to Corona preferences.
  • Some Corona preferences that are only used in the full Cinema 4D UI have been hidden in Team Render Server/Client preferences (e.g. “VFB Title” and others that have no meaning for TR).
  • Added missing tooltips for bump in Corona Physical, Scanned, Skin and Hair materials.
  • Added CPU core limit UI in Corona preferences.
  • This always use the same values as CPU limit in Cinema 4D part of preferences.
  • Improvements in the conversion of C4D materials (this is currently mostly internal change, but should help us further improve material conversion in the future).

Corona 10, Chaos Scans improvements (shared)

  • We now show the preview of the material in the 3ds Max and Cinema 4D viewport.
  • Added custom bump and displacement slots to the  Corona Scanned Material.
  • Fixed incorrect albedo (displayed as red in albedo render element).
  • Added support for triplanar mapping in CoronaScannedMtl.
  • Automatically correct loaded path in a Scanned material when the user opens a preview instead of the vrscan file.
  • Material is transparent unless some file is loaded, to be consistent with V-Ray.

Chaos Scans improvements (3ds Max)

  • Drag & drop of a vrscan file into the Material Editor creates a new CoronaScannedMtl.
  • CoronaScannedMtl assets are now tracked via the asset tracker.
  • Drag & dropping the image that accompanies a vrscan file will open the vrscan file.
  • Fixed issue where Corona ScannedMtl parameters are reset after deselecting and reselecting the material. 
  • Fixed incorrect rendering of Triplanar Mapping after conversion from VrayScannedMtl.
  • Removed legacy mtsc format from the file explorer filter.

Bug fixes, shared

  • These bug fixes apply to both 3ds Max and Cinema 4D.
  • Pattern – fixed artifacts caused by self-intersection.
  • Fixed issue where refractive Caustics were generated from a Physical Material even when they were disabled in the material options.
  • Caustics now work for Pattern with the “Use pattern material” option enabled.
  • Fixed slower rendering with “buckets” than without (buckets are our 32×32 tiles, not the same thing as V-Ray buckets 🙂).
  • Fixed issue where CIE was saving tone mapping settings into the light mix config as well.
  • Fixed issue where CIE command line reset the tone mapping parameters to default when no override value was provided.
  • Fixed issue where CIE “Reset” button reset tone mapping to default instead of the settings stored in the loaded .CXR.
  • Fixed issue where CIE did not ask to save changes on exit after changing tone mapping settings.
  • Fixed reporting of Windows version 10 on Windows 11.

Bug fixes, 3ds Max

Crash and NaN fixes (3ds Max)

  • Fixed issue where undoing anything related to 3ds Max lights during IR led to crash.
  • Fixed crash when picking proxy from scene while having point cloud mode on.
  • Fixed crashes during GI calculation and parsing.
  • Fixed NANs that could rarely appear when switching to Orthographic camera in IR.
  • Fixed crash with TyFlow when using Mapping operator with Map channel other than 1.
  • Fixed a potential issue where 3ds Max could freeze while caching Material Editor previews and when updating the loading progress bar.
  • Fixed a bug where rendering FumeFX in IR and showing FumeFX GPU preview in viewport would lead to crashes when scrubbing the timeline.
  • Fixed issue where NaNs were created by saturation.
  • Fixed rare crash occurring when IR is restarted during parsing.
  • Fixed an assert in Corona Converter when converting VRayMtl.
  • Fixed unhandled exception in Corona Converter when converting VRayMtl.
  • Fixed crash related to displaying Corona ScannedMtl in 3ds Max viewport.
  • Prevented crashes when there is a nullptr Atmospheric, caused when a plugin is missing (it will still crash in 3ds Max on opening the Atmospherics dialog, though).
  • Fixed Noise Limit working incorrectly with a black environment + Fisheye camera in a user scene, which lead to infinite rendering.
  • Fixed viewport display of CoronaBitmap with Mirror tiling option.
  • Fixed crash/freeze with Phoenix when using IR and changing the timeline.

Tone Mapping fixes (3ds Max)

  • Fixed issue where message box informing about reset of Tone Mapping settings in Render Settings did not block access to the Tone Mapping UI (i.e.,  was not modal).
  • Fixed issue where histogram in curves tone mapping control was not refreshed during rendering.

ForestPack fixes (3ds Max)

  • Fixed issue where rendering materials restarted IR with ForestPack.
  • Fixed Corona not using the mesh returned by Forest in “GetRenderMesh”.
  • Fixed Forest Pack objects not rendered in proxy mode.
  • Fixed Custom objects that aren’t rendered when FP render mode is set to Meshes.
  • Fixed ForestPack shows up in viewport but not in render after the base object had quadremesher applied to it.

Other fixes (3ds Max)

  • Fixed multiple issues with drawing a CoronaLight in the viewport in several 3ds Max versions (poor performance, crashes, target line not being drawn with legacy driver).
  • Fixed: Viewport Performance is low when Corona light IES has missing path.
  • Modified how color spread is computed in CoronaAO map to avoid different results when changing sample count. Sample count was also renamed (and remapped) to Quality.
  • Fix of sun occluded by clouds, either it was completely cloudy or completely visible.
  • Fixed Clouds with zero Density were causing slowdown.
  • Fixed issue where Clouds and Contrails offset values did not have all the animation options in 3ds Max compared to other parameters.
  • Fixed issues with material editor previews being much slower to load than in Corona V7.
  • CoronaMix map should no longer change the randomization when it is plugged into the Mapping Randomizer.
  • Fixed issue where Multimap decal randomization assigned the same color/material to scattered decals.
  • Fixed issue where Material Editor thumbnail was showing only part of a map, when a Bitmap with Real World Scale was passed through other maps. Also fixed Viewport rendering in the same cases.
  • Fixed CBitmap with Real World Scale on, merges with the wrong scale into a scene that had different system units.
  • Fixed broken Bump Mapping when using the Corona Mapping Randomizer.
  • Fixed an issue with low CPU usage with CoronaAO and CoronaRoundEdges in IR.
  • Fixed infinite IR restart loop when editing curves in CoronaColorCorrect.
  • The “Settings” map and related controls are only shown for legacy CoronaColorCorrect maps that actually use this feature.
  • Fixed issue where broken normals from Corona Proxy file were not always corrected.
  • Invalid curve loaded from a scene is now automatically replaced by the default curve.
  • Fixed issue where error message about modified Bitmap has been shown during IR even when the bitmap has not actually changed.
  • Fixed incorrect preview of the CoronaBumpConverter in the Material Editor when a Bitmap with Real World Scale was its input.
  • Fixed displaying of Tone Mapping operators after reopening the settings.
  • Fixed DR – Assets that can be found on node are not downloaded anymore.
  • Improved conversion of VRayMtl SSS to CoronaPhysicalMtl.
  • Added two actions that a user can choose between to fix an error when out-of-core textures folder cannot be used. Those are: “Reset to default”, and “Turn off out-of-core textures”.
  • Fixed swapped tooltips in the ScannedMtl.
  • Fixed incorrect Viewport display of objects with ScannedMtl if “Disable transparency” is off.
  • Fixed high quality viewport shading for the CoronaSelectMtl.
  • Fixed multiple issues of the Material preview cache, which caused materials not being updated when parameters were changed.
  • Fixed issue where SSS material was black when plugged into CoronaRaySwitchMtl even though it was used for all ray types.
  • Fixed issue where the cursor was incorrectly set to default value when editing regions and/or using history.
  • Fixed incorrect tooltip for bump intensity in Corona materials.
  • Fixed issue where in rare cases the texture/material dialog was not updated.
  • Fixed returning to previous value after canceling spinbox scrolling with RMB.
  • Fixed interpreting of values in a spinbox when the decimal point is set to the same value as the group separator (values starting with decimal point and out-of-range values).
  • Fixed: “Show in folder” RMB option sometimes opening incorrect folder.
  • Enable the 3ds Max “Normal Bump” in the Slate Material Editor SME when Corona is the active renderer.
  • Fixed issue where some translucent Cosmos assets did not have translucent material when imported.
  • Fixed Chaos Phoenix support in Corona 10, and removed PhoenixFD 3 support.
  • Fixed issue where maps with Output rollout with Output amount lower than 1 were incorrectly exported to standalone.
  • Fixed issue where Corona Standalone was missing ScatterCore_Release.dll dependency after installation.
  • Updated the links in the Corona Converter window.
  • Improved warning messages when using physical camera exposure control.
  • Fixed issue where error message for missing render elements appears when resuming render from file even though no render elements are missing.
  • Fixed window focus issues related to warning box and licensing dialog.
  • Fixed issue where error message showing why the user can’t run the installer was not displayed on unsupported CPUs, unsupported Windows versions and users without correct admin privileges.
  • Fixed not showing Corona logo in several error message boxes.
  • Fixed issue where the product being installed was named incorrectly in the UI.
  • Fixed issue where it was impossible to clear CoronaColorCorrect copied map slot through MaxScript.

Bug fixes, Cinema 4D 

Crash and NaN fixes (Cinema 4D)

  • Fixed crash when updating or restarting Chaos Cosmos while C4D is running.
  • Fixed occasional crashes while opening C4D on some systems.
  • Fixed crash when Material tag with a deleted material is drag & dropped into the Node material editor.
  • Fixed crash in IR when moving a material tag from an object with multiple materials in some specific scenes.
  • Fixed rare crash when starting render.
  • Fixed some cases when object picking from VFB after render would cause crash (e.g. when picking hair rendered with C4D Hair material containing opacity).
  • Fixed rare crash happening when changing tone mapping in camera.
  • Fixed crash when importing Cosmos lights.

Other fixes (Cinema 4D)

  • Fixed problem with LightMix multipliers being baked into some lights multiple times (leading to some lights having incorrect intensity after baking).
  • Fixed motion blur rendering for Corona Decal.
  • Fixed bug where “Delete unused materials” removed Corona Sky preview.
  • Fixed problem with spherical Corona light having incorrect size when motion blur is enabled.
  • Fixed issue with VolumeGrid and Volume material affecting the reflection of objects inside its bounding box.
  • Fixed problem with pattern modifier being incorrectly rotated when scattered using Chaos Scatter or Cloner.
  • Fixed Corona Pattern modifier not correctly handling proxy (pattern from proxy only rendered in Full mesh mode and was missing in some animation frames).
  • Corona pattern now respects “Render Visibility” setting of its geometry.
  • High-quality pixel filtering is now implicitly disabled in IR with denoising enabled without affecting document settings.
  • Fixed issue with tone mapping pipeline not switching correctly in some specific cases when the active camera was switched (e.g. stage object, or using some viewport menu).
  • Fixed problem with custom DOF aperture shape being rotated by 90 degrees and bladed aperture rotated by 180 degrees.
  • Removed the old backward compatibility conversion dialog (which opened when loading some legacy scenes) and replaced with error dialog:
    • The error dialog is now not blocking.
    • This also fixes problem when conversion options were not shown in C4D 2023.
    • Resolves some problems regarding conversion messages being shown when loading XRefs.
  • Fixed problem with ID pass and randomization shaders rendering differently on each TeamRender client.
  • Fixed issue with “Setup interactive LightMix” opening behind render settings dialog on macOS.
  • Fixed issue with Error dialog always ordering behind other C4D windows on macOS after second error is displayed.
  • Fixed problem in IR when moving object inheriting material from parent outside of its hierarchy would still render with original material.
  • Fixed problem in Physical material where it was possible to set Level higher than 100% for edge color and translucency.
  • Fixed issue with some parameters in Multi-Pass not correctly resetting to default value.
  • Fixed issue with the warning message prompting the user to switch to World Space Displacement (for Orthographic Cameras) not properly updating the render settings based on what was selected by the user.
  • Added warnings for unsupported materials in rendered splines and pattern modifier.
  • Fixed bug causing multi-instances of Corona Proxy to not render in final (non-IR) render in Cinema 4D R20.
  • Fixed problem with legacy emission warning not being shown in Cinema 4D S26+ (when loading very old scenes).
  • Warning is now shown when trying to open Cosmos when Cosmos is not running (e.g. because it is not installed).
  • Fixed initial rendering of objects dependent on Thinking Particles in IR.
  • Workaround for bug in Cinema 4D S24 where the last character of each line in the tooltips was missing.
  • Log messages in Console window are now grouped in Corona category (R23+ only).
  • Fixed issue with Cinema 4D version string for 2023+ being incorrectly formatted in installer and in About dialog.

Bug fixes, Scatter

Scatter, 3ds Max fixes

  • Fixed crash when plugging normal bump or falloff map into the edge trimming map while running IR.
  • Improved handling of bad meshes retrieved from 3ds Max. Fixed related crashes.
  • Fixed shading instability of Corona Multimap set to color scattered instances while using e.g. camera clipping in scatter.
  • Fixed user message dialogs not to be hidden behind other windows.
  • Fixed wrong sizing of some buttons in message dialogs on High-DPI displays.

Scatter, Cinema 4D fixes

  • Chaos Scatter UI now shows number of scattered instances and polygons.
  • Fixed crash when distribution object for Chaos scatter causes cycle with another scatter.
  • Fixed updates of Chaos Scatter when parent of distribution object is moved.
  • Fixed the resetting of default values (by right clicking on spinner) for values in spline includes/excludes in Chaos Scatter.
  • Frequency factor for scatter distribution objects is now disabled for splines (as factor is not used for spline scattering).
  • Immediate updates in Chaos Scatter are now automatically disabled when viewport display is set to None.
  • Fixed problem with disabling UI when editing properties of object lists in Chaos Scatter in Cinema 4D 2023

For details about what we will be working on for future updates, please check our 3ds Max and Cinema 4D roadmaps to follow what we have planned!

Download Corona 10

Download the latest version of Corona

That wraps it up for this release! 

The next year or two is going to be an exciting time in 3D graphics, with the industry poised to see many revolutionary changes. Chaos is committed to staying ahead of the curve, and we look forward to you coming on that journey alongside us all here at Chaos!  

Of course, that also does not remove the need for consistent improvements to workflow tasks that we’ll always need to do, and we’ll be there to support you in that too. Your feedback and support has always been instrumental in defining what Corona is. On that note, it’s been your feedback, suggestions, and advice that has helped shape the development of Corona 10, and for that everyone here at the Corona team would like to say a huge...

Thank you!  

Tom and the whole Corona Crew   

© Škoda Design

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