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Architecture and AI survey: Share your thoughts and you could win a $500 gift card

The State of AI in Architectural Design: Win a $500 Amazon Gift Card

Artificial intelligence (AI) feels like it has snuck up on us. We suddenly have access to an array of new tools that promise to accelerate and simplify our processes. But where is everyone actually at with AI?

In order to get a clear picture of the current state of AI in architecture, understand the challenges, and envision its future, it is important to gather perspectives and insights from industry professionals. And this is where you come in.

In partnership with Architizer, we are excited to launch a global survey to understand how architects and designers are using AI tools today and how you see them evolving in the near future. 

As a thank you, all survey participants will be entered into a free prize draw for the chance to win a $500 Amazon gift voucher (terms and conditions apply). The survey closes on February 9, 23:00 CET. 

This is a great chance to voice your opinion on AI. Thank you in advance, and stay tuned for the survey results.

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