Chaos engaged with 4,024 people from different age ranges (from 16 through to 55 and over), household groups (from single occupants through to households of six and more) and gross incomes (from $19,500 or less through to $97,000 and above) across Germany, Italy, the UK and US.
The urban survey participants were questioned on factors that impact their daily lives. The responses showcase the current reality — with cities as places of rapid change that present challenges to the people who live in them.
These issues culminate to present unique challenges to city dwellers likely to be buying their first home and starting families. The 35-44 age group who are likely to be buying their first home and starting families — identified in this report as ‘metropolitan millennials’ — appear particularly vulnerable to factors that include housing costs, mental well-being and the impacts of temperature extremes.
Results from the Chaos survey present a picture of a moment in time — from 3 to 8 January 2024. It is a unique opportunity for architects and planners to better understand the people who call the city their homes — including the challenges they face as well as the actions that will help to ensure that cities remain vibrant, living communities.
In seeing the realities of cities today, we can better visualize the cities of tomorrow.
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