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V-Ray Ideas Portal

The online platform for V-Ray users to submit, vote, and collaborate on creative suggestions.


All ideas

Showing 141 of 141

Make a toggle option to not cast cloud shadows With regards to this thread - the method to have clouds in your scene, but not casting heavyu shadows into the sc...
Justin Dowling 27 days ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Rendering 0 Pending

Clumping / Cluster

We need some clustering / clumping options. Please please!
Guest 7 months ago in Chaos Scatter / Features 3 Planned

Ability to save Single-Layer EXR with DWAA compression.

Pursuing of ability to choose the best workflow for different heavy tasks and situations of our Workflow. I would strongly recommend giving us the ability to change the output of 32-bit EXR like Single-Layerd EXR with different compression - espec...
Petar Kasadzhikov 5 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Workflow & Tools 2 Pending

Options for Displacement in Vray Material

Currently the Vray Material lacks for displacement options, it would be helpful to have proper units, shift values and keep continuity. The modifier has these options but having them directly in the material would be more practical in some situati...
Carlos Alberto Rodriguez Tellez 6 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Materials & Maps 1 Pending

Support for hierarchies and layers in include/exclude lists

It would be very useful if we had support for hierarchies (pick a parent and the children will be added automatically) and layers in include/exclude lists. Picking lists by picking explicit objects is very cumbersome and doesn't adjust to scene ch...
Martin Geupel 6 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Lights 0 Pending

Lens simulator

Hi everyone. We made this idea to collect more opinions on a topic that is discussed right now in the forum. We would like to know whether you would use a simulation representing a specific lens. If yes, what kind of lenses would you like to have?...
Dimitar Panayotov 3 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Cameras / Rendering 2 Pending

Vray sky night mode eith stars

A "Night Mode" to Vray Sky with a configurable stars where brightness etc. of the stars can be set.
Tobias Jansson 5 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Environment & Effects 1 Pending

Add Displacement Maps in Material

Add Displacement Maps in Material instead of a seperate Tag - similar to the integration in Corona Renderer or even Redshift.
Christian Schneider 7 months ago in V-Ray for Cinema 4D / Materials & Maps 2 Accepted

VRayLight Include/Exclude layer

It would be very helpful if we could add an option to include/exclude whole layers from light affect list.
Georgi Bonchev 5 months ago in V-Ray for 3ds Max / Lights 1 Pending

Allow USD models to render native Maya-Vray shaders

For those with a library of Maya V-Ray shaders (which may use vray-specific features), it would be nice to be able to apply a material override to the USD models and assign the native maya-vray shaders, so vray knows to ignore the USD's models sha...
Michael Hickman 8 days ago in V-Ray for Maya / USD 0 Pending